Orchestra Filarmonica Italiana

Where the glorious tradition of the past meets the sound of contemporaneity

Over 40 years of performances worldwide


OFI represents a new way to intend the concept of 'orchestra'. The ensemble is organized into a cooperative system that includes over 400 high-profile musicians in a unique network, representing a mellow, dynamic and unique professional ensemble in the Italian panorama. OFI counts on hundreds of past exhibitions and production at an international level, interpreting with both passion and method the classical repertoire but, at the same time, adapting perfectly to a wide range of commitments, from Operatic institutions to Italian traditional theatres.

OFI - 40 years of worldwide performances

The Orchestra Filarmonica Italiana is requested by the major national theatres in many occasions, from musical events broadcasted by the Italian national broadcasting network RAI to Rete Vaticana as well as international channels. OFI ranges among repertoires that include Verdi (Aida, Falstaff, Il Trovatore), Mozart (Le Nozze di Figaro, Il Flauto Magico), Rossini (La Gazza Ladra), Bizet (Carmen), up to ballet (Don Quixote, Il Gattopardo, Cenerentola, Giulietta e Romeo). The orchestra collaborates with some of the most prestigious vocal talents in the field (Jessica Prat, Mariella Devia, Raina Kabaivanska, Ghena Dimitrova, Katia Ricciarelli, Josè Carreras, Josè Cura, Renato Bruson, Cecilia Gasdia e Tiziana Fabbricini) and some of the most renowned conductors (Marcello Allemandi, Nello Santi, Marcello Viotti, Yuri Ahronovitch, Marko Letonja, E. Müller, M. Viotti, N. Santi, S. Ranzani, P. G. Morandi, D. Garforth, Y. Ahronovitch, C. Franci, G. Zanaboni, M. Rota, A. Vlad, M. Letonja, G. Veneri, G. Taverna, G. Arena, F. Pantillon, W. Proost). The quality of its interpretations and its versatillity allow OFI to be an outstanding ensemble for the performance of symphonic works of the XVII century as well as contemporary compositions.

About us

"Un ballo in maschera represents a unique element in the production of Verdi, being the maybe the most difficult Opera to manager for a conductor due to its tone variations, ranging from comic to drama. Rolli relies on the example of Arturo Toscanini and embraces the right colours, tempos and nuances, achieving an acceptable fit to his lucid and coherent vision from a singing ensemble which is – except the Oscar of Laura Giordano and the Silvano of Fabio Previati – quite modest and inhomogeneous. The Orchestra Filarmonica Italiana (with notable soloist performances by English horn and first violin) was brilliant, passioned, moving, violent and mockingly interesting. All in all, an extraordinary conduction.”

− REPUBBLICA.IT, "Al Regio di Parma lo strepitoso "Ballo" di Sebastiano"

Orchestra Filarmonica Italiana.
OFI - 40 years of worldwide performances

Madama Butterfly – G.Puccini
08 NOV

Madama Butterfly – G.Puccini

Teatro sociale di Mantova See Event:
Madama Butterfly – G.Puccini
25-27 OTT

Madama Butterfly – G.Puccini

Teatro civico Roberto de Silva di Rho See Event:
Le divine del cinema con Cesare Carretta
15 APR

Le divine del cinema con Cesare Carretta

Auditorium Mozart di Ivrea See Event:

More than classical.

L’Orchestra Filarmonica Italiana breaks the boundaries of the classical institutions that are always so rigorously respected. The ensemble provides an artistic service beyond such canons and exploring projects regardless genres or any stylistic restriction.